Football trainings
for girls
in Belgrade

safe and comfortable for everyone,
including those who have never played football

Football trainings
for girls
in Belgrade

safe and comfortable for everyone,
including those who have never played football

About GirlPower FC

GirlPower FC is a football school for girls over 18 years old. More than 400 girls aged 18 to 52 train at GirlPower FC. Most of them had never played football before joining us. A significant part did not have any sports training at all.

We won't make you a professional football player (and we won't even try), but you will learn the basic technique, the basics of tactics and, most importantly, you will enjoy the game.

And remember that no one will force you to do something. If you suddenly feel tired or do not want to do some exercise for any reason – just relax, nobody tell you anything.

Our trainings look like this.

Regular trainings

Mondays and Thursdays.
Any girl can come to any of the trainings and understand if she likes to train with us or not.


October (12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30)

Mini-pitch at the unique sports-recreation complex in Belgrade. There is a dressing room near the field.

Yandex Maps
Spotrsko Selo
You do not need to buy special football equipment to come to the first training session. You need:

1. Shoes
Any sports shoes with ribbed soles. Such sole will give you the best grip on the playground. It is important that the shoes do not dangle on the foot, but fit your size. Do not wear shoes with large spikes. With small rubber ones - you can.

2. Clothes
It is important that the clothes do not hinder your movements. Take a T-shirt, pants or shorts - whatever you feel comfortable in, something warm on the top (in case of cold wind or rain), socks.

3. Water
Take also a bottle of water with you to drink during training session.



After the first training session you will be able to choose a subscription for 3 or 6 training sessions. The subscription does not expire when month ends.
1 training session
2000 RSD for one session
2000 RSD
If you liked your first training session, you do not like to plan, but suddenly you have a free evening
* you can also pay by other currency if it's comfortable for you, 1 EUR = 115 RSD, 1 USD = 105 RSD, 1 RUB = 1.1 RSD
Just register for a first training session via our Telegram–bot
The bot will send you a reminder about training 24 hours in advance, and after it's finished, you'll receive instructions on how to continue your trainings.

If you don't have a Telegram app, you can install it (it's a very useful and functional app) or fill out a simple application form. We'll send you all the important information to email or to the messenger that you use (viber, whats app, etc).
  • You:
    Can I come if I have never play football?
    GirlPower FC:
    Yes, sure. We are primarily an amateur football school, not a sports academy. The whole process is built around learning and interest - primarily for those who have never played football.
  • You:
    What language will the training be in?
    GirlPower FC:
    Trainings will be held in English and Russian - the coach speaks both languages. Depending on the group, one or the other language will be used more often.
  • You:
    Who will coach?
    GirlPower FC:
    Our coach Aleksandr Zhdanov. He has been coaching a beginners group for the past 3 years. Sasha has an UEFA C coaching license. You can ask him evereything via or Telegram.
  • You:
    I am 16 years old. Can I come? / I have a 16 years old daughter. Can she come?
    GirlPower FC:
    In general, GirlPower FC – is a section for girls who are already 18 years old. If you are already 16 years old, come to the first training session with one of the parents and we will decide together whether it will be comfortable for you to train with us.
For any questions, contact us, we will be glad to help you

Telegram: @mameneprosto

Viber: +995 551-107-588

Whats App: +7 985 993-53-52